Take Action! It Will Separate You From The Rest
The culture here at The Snatched Snack is to take action and never give up. We take action towards achieving our goals and producing results. Procrastination is a thing of the past and fear is replaced with get it done. Even when you are scared, when you don't think you can go on any longer, keep going. Fight through the fear. It is better to take a chance than to not have tried at all. Something amazing will come out of it. If you fail, try again. If someone tells you no, find a yes. Sometimes a no is redirection towards something better.
So who I am and why should you take advice from me?
I have joined almost every gym, tried almost every supplement, and tried almost every weight loss fad that exists. I have learned everything from what works to what doesn't work. I can confidently say that I have lost 20 pounds in 3 months and counting. I am confident that you can do it too. It does take hard work and dedication but it is so worth it. I equipped myself with education to be able to share it with you. Here is a little bit more about myself: I graduated from Penn State with a major in Life Science and minors in Sociology and Spanish. I went on to pursue a master's in Healthcare Administration at PA College of Health Sciences. More recently, I have taken courses on financial empowerment, tax preparation, entrepreneurship, nutrition, real estate, scaling a business, beginner foundation into the stock market, and more. My goal is to excel at every area of life and I want to bring you with me. The only way I can do that is if you become a person that takes action. I have invested a lot of time and money into myself because I believe knowledge is power. The most powerful thing you can do is do something today that your future self will thank you for. Take action!